Tips and Tricks

Here are a few cool things you might want to know to make your programming experience better.

  • lin is interpreted in Javascript and inherits its super-loose datatype features, meaning that most of the type coercion tricks that work in Javascript work in lin.
    • To convert a string to a number, you can do something like ( 1234 ) 0+. The 0+ is the key part.
    • To floor a number, you can do 1234.56 0|. To round a number, you can do 1234.56 .5+ 0|.
  • lin does TCO (tail-call optimization), making it possible to do infinite recursion without blowing up the call stack. In addition, looping commands like ew are easy ways to prevent stack overflow.
  • Make good use of iterating commands like map and fold. They are extremely handy and can be used for a diverse variety of cases.

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